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Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Writing Target Apples Year 2/3

One of my previous displays was a Writing Target Tree. I wrote the children's targets onto apple shapes - which we blue-tacked onto the tree. The children would 'pick' their apple before each writing lesson to have it as a prompt on their desk. It was a useful, interactive display.

I moved on from writing out the targets myself, to having them pre-printed. I would just print off the relevant target on red or green paper - to look like apples! I used a lovely, simple clip art package called PrintMaster to make them in. I know not everyone has that, so I have converted the file to pdf format so anyone can download it.

The targets were taken from a list of writing targets I found covering Y2 and Y3. All you need to do is stick up a basic tree shape, with enough space to fit everyones apple on.

I hope the file is of some use, or at least gives you a few ideas for displaying targets.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the idea Deb. I can really imagine (ie will be trying it!)using this is my class. Velco the targets to the wall. If I had 32 then every child would have to have a different target per lesson.


8:21 pm

Blogger Debs said...

One for each lesson sounds a bit complicated to me! However, the velcro idea is fab! I wouldn't have thought of it on my own! Much more practical!

Thanks Andrew!


12:34 pm


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