Little Miss Teacher is a place where those of us in the classroom can share our ideas, resources and experiences. We can also have a good old moan and share some of those funny little things our children say!


Tuesday, October 04, 2005

What i like about you. every child had to write a positive comment about every other child in the class. Try doing your own too, good for the self-esteem! Posted by Picasa



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the idea Debs. I hate displays - I wish there was a company that could do them for me! :) Your displays look so bright and vibrant.

I've tried to improve self-esteem by asking each child to do a job each week. While they are out, altogether on one piece of A2 paper, we've written the great things about the child out of class and pinned it up. When they return they get a real shock!

I've also put up two games/activities that I play with children in my class on Let me know how they go if you try them out.

5:40 pm

Blogger Debs said...

Thanks Andrew. I go for the bright papers to get around the fact that I have no artistic talent at all! Bright colours seem to make the most boring display look better!

I am just off to check out your games. Will give them a whirl tomorrow!


11:48 am


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