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Saturday, March 11, 2006

PBS Kids

I have just come across the PBS Kids site and it is great fun. As well as characters such as Barney, Clifford and Telletubbies (heavens forbid!) there are some lovely online stories. Some of the words are highlighted and a new window appears on click which gives the definition. Great for vocabulary work. When you get to the end, there are games to play too.

There is a games link as well. I only played 'Word Play', but as well as allowing the children to hear the word, there is an animation of the meaning. Cool! One of my favourite links is songs. There are many audio and video clips to be played covering spelling and grammar. I went to the Vowel Boot Camp video and laughed my head off!

I am sure the children will love it, but if they do not, it will give you a giggle at least!

Probably best for KS1 and weaker KS2 children. You will need Quicktime, RealPlayer and Flash installed to use it.

Have fun!




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