Little Miss Teacher is a place where those of us in the classroom can share our ideas, resources and experiences. We can also have a good old moan and share some of those funny little things our children say!


Friday, August 25, 2006

Teachade - A Growing Community Of Teachers

I recently received an email from Ben at Teachade asking me to take a look at their website and maybe make a few suggestions as to how they can improve it. As I'm always keen to find new places which may make my life in the classroom easier, I went for a mooch around!

Upon arrival, it looks a bit basic, the sort of site you would probably think didn't have a lot on it. If I am honest, had I not been asked to make some suggestions, I would have probably closed the window. But, because I'm lovely, I started clicking!

The site's mission statement says:
Our mission here is to provide you with a web site that supports your
professional work, and provides an engaging place to discuss teaching.

The first thing I tried was a resource search. You just type in what your looking for. My first few attempts using my Year 1 topic titles came back with nothing. I then tried the subject names and there are a few links to some good websites which have been added by the members of Teachade.

To access the groups - a term I was not familiar with - you need to register, which is really simple. There are absolutely loads of different groups which basically turn out to be message boards rather like the TES Staffroom, but more specific. The groups range from Early Years to Senior School and some are subject specific. There is also a Teachade help group where they will reply to your queries about using the site.

At the moment, most of the groups are American, but the membership still seems quite small. I am sure as more people join, the groups will gain a more international flavour. You can also add your own lesson ideas, websites you would like to share with the rest of us and even links to your own blog or website.

I sent my suggestions to Ben and he was already working on the ideas I had - not very original am I?

I found the site to be very small but I think it has heaps of potential. Once more people join and begin contributing, it should prove really useful. But it needs members to make it work, so have a look yourself at




Blogger Debs said...

Hi Teresa,

A great question, and one which if could be answered in a nutshell would make all our lives so easy!

However, I do find Paired Reading a huge help in developig fluency. I prepare a fluency chart for the children to work with as a pair, taking the comments from what I observe as there biggest problems. Each time they pair, I get them to focus on 1 or 2 of the criteria on the chart. They both know what they are aiming for and what to look for. Teaching and advising each other like that helps greatly. And...the children hold no punches in what they say to each other and say it at their own level.

I also find Readers Theatre helps, but takes a while to develop. Again, having the rest of the class provide feedback to the performing group has a big impact.

What about you?


2:42 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Deb,

Ben and I work together and its been some time since you looked at our site. Please take another look and I believe you will find we have made lots of improvements. Please feel free to send along any ideas you might have as we are always working on make the site better for teachers around the world.


4:09 am


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