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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

'What Do Good Readers Do?' Display

I am currently setting up a display about 'What do good readers do?' in my Year 1 classroom. I have so far created two posters, one for visualisation and the other for activating prior knowledge.

My intention is to cut the posters up and place them on a 'ladder' made out of card. I will place the caption on one rung of the ladder and the picture on the other. Each time we learn a new strategy, we will climb the ladder, so the display will be built upon throughout the year. I will add a photo when it is up and running!

I hope you find them useful.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

We did a study group on this two years ago at my school. The book we used was called "Strategies that Work" and it is great. We also used a book put out by the state of Vermont (where I live) that had some snazzy pictures that we used as posters. We also referenced a book called "Mosaics of Thought."

All my stuff is at school, and I bet you are using some of this, but let me know if you want to hear more about what we did.

10:20 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You made it into Cosmo (Dec ed.)!

2:12 pm

Blogger Debs said...

Lady S,

I would love to hear more. We are just starting summarising as our main focus with Y1, and I have no idea how to turn that into a poster as yet!!


2:10 pm


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