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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Teaching Expertise

Teaching Expertise is a fantastic new website containing loads of articles on the latest educational research. Having been launched in November, it already contains over 500 articles and it seems very likely that the site will grow rapidly.

Their mission is:

To provide teachers with the best place to learn from each other and develop professionally and personally.

Currently, the site has three main categories. The first category is articles, which you can browse according to your role in the school (such as class teacher, subject leader or governor) from the menu at the side. There are articles on topics such as managing meetings, learning environment and special needs, to name but a few.

The second category is
appointments. This is very limited at present, with a weighting on Secondary School posts, but I am sure this area of the site will improve as the site becomes more popular.

The final category, at present, is
publications. There are some interesting titles on offer, including assemblies, thinking skills and CPD, and with many subscriptions there is an offer to supplement ideas with weekly emails. Whilst these look interesting, they are quite expensive and so would probably be more appealing to those who hold leadership roles and have a budget to work with!

There is a lot of really valuable information here and I am impressed by the thought that has been put into the site, particularly as it is only a month old! Mark Edwards from
Teaching Expertise says,

"We’re going to be developing the site to make it a true
interactive community for teachers, with a lot of free resources."

I am really looking forward to this happening. For now, my one dislike is the classroom resources link which simply takes you to a publishers page called Incentive Plus. After a quick browse, nothing appears to be free as yet!

I really like this site, which has plenty of information for both Primary and Secondary school colleagues and parents, and it is one I will be visiting regularly. I feel they do achieve their goal; I certainly feel like it will keep me up to date professionally and it inspires me to research further and learn more! Although most of the articles are based on UK research, they are still valuable to those of us overseas and the authors are keen to attract a worldwide following of education professionals.

Great work guys. Thank you.




Blogger Mark said...

Hi, this is Mark from Teaching Expertise. Thanks for the great review. There will be lots of free classroom resources added soon; in the meantime we've just added a link to our sister site. But I'll change this so it goes to a page with a 'coming soon' message on it. In fact, I'll try to change it today.

2:05 pm


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